London Fridge

Month: December 2021

Yes Young Children Can Benefit From Online Games.

So many parents worry about the amount of time their children spend on their laptops, iPads or mobile phones, but the good news is that some online games may be more constructive than you think. So its a resounding YES there are some benefits to your children, of playing online video games. Benefits of Video […] Read more…

When You Are Tired Of London

Dr. Samuel Johnson once said, ‘When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London, all that life can afford’. But that was back in the 18th century, and times have changed, in more ways than one.  Now you may not be tired of London, but you may […] Read more…

Fabulous Festive Giveaway

Merry Christmas and it is that season of giving, so what better way than to celebrate 2021 with a giveaway!  It couldn’t be easier, just follow the instructions. GOOD LUCK! This prize is M&S The Beaulieu Hamper There are plenty of ways to enter, simply scroll down to the Rafflecopter widget below to see the […] Read more…