London Fridge

Plants For Your Bathroom – What You Need To Choose

  How to Decorate Your Bathroom with Plants Many people who live in apartments or condominiums do not have access to outdoor space. It can be difficult to find a way to incorporate plants into the decor of these spaces, but there are plenty of creative ways that you can use plants in your bathroom! […] Read more…

Blogging Is Alive And Kicking

Possibly long before you were born, when the present Queen’s father, King George the VI died in 1952, the crowds gathered at Buckingham Palace, and, some of the homemade banners they held declared ‘The King is Dead – Long Live the King’. Historically, this is a proclamation made when a monarch dies, and a new […] Read more…

The UK Bloggers Festive Giveaway 2021

We are very happy here at London Fridge, to be invited to take part in the latest UK Bloggers Giveaway, and of course, at this time of year, it just had to be a ‘Festive’ Giveaway and this year it’s from This is an amazing prize, worth £185, and you’ll smell fabulous throughout 2022 […] Read more…

Why Your Dating Profile Is Not Working For You

Even a well-written dating profile will be ineffective if you don’t know how to choose the right photos. This article discusses 7 reasons why your profile picture might not work. Your dating profile picture isn’t merely an image but a story about you. In addition to showing how you look, it expresses who you are. […] Read more…

How To Secure An Increase In Salary

Want to increase your salary? Unfortunately, you can’t simply storm into your boss’ office, plant your hands on their desk, and demand a raise. Instead, requesting one requires research, preparation, timing, negotiation, and practice. Here are eight tips to use when asking for a raise so that you’re more likely to get it. Read more…

How to Nail The Essential Skills For Restaurant Servers

Restaurant server skills are often overlooked by those from outside the foodservice industry. From the outside, a restaurant server’s work appears to be simple. After all, what could be easier to grasp than taking orders and carrying trays of food? The reality is that the apparent simplicity is deceptive. The job can be stressful and […] Read more…